Random Thoughts of a Demented Mind.

Random Thoughts of a Demented Mind.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Turning 30...

I am knocking on the door to the other side of adulthood…yes, I’m turning 30!  UGH!  Some people welcome this idea, some people totally freak out (that’s me) and some don’t even think about it (totally wish this was me).  Every person has their own way of coping with the idea that they will no longer be in their 20′s (OMG I just got nervous).

My twenties could best be described as me doing whatever the hell I wanted to do. During this decade I basically completed my entire bucket list, including a lot of things I never thought I would do.

 I can’t even tell you the amount of times I made a huge deal out of this shift into a new decade. Nine times out of ten, I did nt wanted to go in next decade and stay forver in my 20s. Continue Partying and Enjoying Life.
As for me, my 20s were amazing.   In between all of life’s important moments, the bullet points on the broad timeline of this past decade, there’s been a whole lot of figuring it out – “it” being, you guessed it, life. Now, at the fairly young age of newly-30 I still have a long, long way to go, but I am fairly certain that as my life goes on, I will look back to my 20s as a time of self-discovery. And if that is indeed the case, then I am hoping that my 30s will be a time to enjoy all of the “stuff” I figured out.
I was scared of 30 because it feels like the end of youth, that it’s a distinct marker between being young and getting older. 

I hate turning 30 but then u cannot stop the clock ticking. i wil have to get adjusted.but still i have decided to keep acting the 20s and not panic.
dekha jayega

Bring it On :D

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